I get questions all the time about the availability of churches and other places of worship in close proximity to The Villages.
Luckily, residents have several options to choose from. I've provided a list of some of the more popular choices below, and some of the listings have comments that were offered up by some of our more than Facebook friends in The Villages.
Phone numbers and website addresses have been listed (when available) so that you can find out more about each one that interests you.
New Covenant United Methodist Church
Website: https://www.ncumcfl.com/
Address: 3470 Woodridge Dr., The Villages, FL 32162
Phone: 352-750-4529
Directions: One block off Highway 466, behind Southern Trace Shopping Center.
About: Large, dynamic, multi-cultural, inter-generational congregation.
It is a large church with 5 weekend services and numerous weekly opportunities for learning more about our faith. We are so blessed to have several wonderful pastors and lots of lay talent too. Our senior pastor, Harold Hendren, is a dedicated and dynamic leader. We are so happy to be a part of this wonderful church!
They have a wonderful pastor and great music!
They have wonderful music and a Pastor that loves the Lord and preaches the gospel like I remember it being preached when I was a kid.
St. George Episcopal Church
Address: 1250 Paige Place, The Villages, FL 32159
Phone: 352-750-1010
About: Sunday Services: Rite I 8am Rite II 10am.; Bible Study Wednesday 11:00 am and Healing Service at noon Wednesday.
Directions: At intersection of Paige Place and Avenida Central. Across from Hacienda Center.
St. Timothy's Church
Website: http://www.sttimothycc.com
Address: 1351 Paige Place, Lady Lake, FL 32159
Phone: 352-753-0989
About: The mission of Saint Timothy Parish, a vibrant community, is to be a Catholic Community of faith called together by our Baptism and bound to each other through love.
Hope Lutheran Church
Website: https://www.hope2all.org/
Address: 250 Avenida Los Angelos, The Villages, FL 32162
Phone: 352 750-2321
Directions: Corner of Morse Road and 466
About: Hope Lutheran places a high emphasis on spending time together and sharing lives and interests. “Know Christ and make Christ known.”
I'm a long timeline Lutheran. At Hope the ministers are great, as is the choral and other special music, including frequent appearances by Mary Jo Vitale. She is the wife of one of the ministers.
It is a very warm and compassionate family of faith with a nice selection of activities and services to meet one's needs.
Fairway Christian Church
Website: http://www.fairwaycc.org
Address: 251 Avenida Los Angelos, Lady Lake, FL 32162
Phone: 352-259-9305
Directions: Located East of Morse Blvd. on CR466 between Oxford, FL on SR301 and Lady Lake, FL, on SR441.
About: Fairway Christian Church is an independent, Bible-believing congregation of Christ-Followers.
Traditional Service with traditional music and for those who are more convential there are services for them.
Temple Shalom
Website: https://www.templeshalomcentralfl.org/
Address: 13563 County Road 101, Oxford, FL 34484
Phone: 352-748-1800
About: Temple Shalom is a Reform Synagogue with over 600 members.
Directions: Located adjacent to The Villages with easy access by golf cart and, by car, via several highways and the nearby Florida Turnpike or I-75.
First Baptist Church at the Villages
Website: http://fbcvillages.org
Address: 16935 SE 79th. Clearview Ave., The Villages. FL 32162
Phone: 352-205-7114
About: Buena Vista Blvd to the Calumet Gate; Calumet Ave West to Clearview Ave.; turn right; Clearview Ave. runs directly to the church entrance. Golf cart accessible.
About: First Baptist Church is a friendly gathering of Christians excited about and dedicated to the Biblical purposes for Christ's church.
Open Bible Lutheran Church
Website: http://www.openbiblelutheranchurch.com
Address: 4671 Bellwether Lane, Oxford, FL 34484
Phone: 352-753-9038
About: Located 3 blocks north of The Villages Charter School on CR #103. Cr #103 is 1/2 mile east of Hwy #301 at the light.
Chapel of Christian Faith
Website: https://www.chapelofchristianfaith.org/
Address: 1401 Paradise Drive, The Villages, FL 32159
Phone: 352-753-4144
Directions: From Rt. 27 / 441 . . . Enter The Villages at the Boone Gate. Take a right turn onto Paradise Drive
About: Established in 1978 and located on the Historic Side of the Villages.
St. Vincent de Paul
Website: http://www.sumtercatholic.org
Address: 5323 E CR 462, Wildwood, FL 34785
Phone: 352-330-0220
Directions: Take 27/441 South to 466A. Turn right and go about 7 miles then turn right again on CR 462.
About: St. Vincent de Paul Parish serves the rapidly growing Catholic community of northern Sumter County in the Diocese of Orlando.
close..choir…Pastor Peter
What a great church. love the family feeling and warmth. right now a SMALL SNUGGLY CHURCH BUT GETTING READY TO GROW with The Villages
Great church with great people. There are 10 masses over Saturday and Sunday which allows us to be more flexible on weekend plans. One of the smaller Catholic churchs in the area. Our Family Home.
Nice Homey feeling
Gonna watch it grown in the up coming years!
St. Mark The Evangelist
Website: http://www.stmarkrcc.com
Address: 7081 SE Hwy 42, Summerfield, Florida, 34491
Phone: 352-347-9317
Directions: Located on Highway 42 in Summerfield. Take either 441 or Buena Vista Blvd. to 42 and turn left.
About: The largest parish staffed by the Pauline Fathers in the USA.
I love the beauty of the church and I enjoy Father Sebastian's sermons.
We go to St Marks Catholic church on Hwy 42. Used to go to St. Tims which is a beautiful church, but too big. St Marks isn't small by any means, but feels more of a family church to me- friendly.
North Lake Presbyterian
Website: http://www.northlakepc.org
Address: 975 Rolling Acres Road, Lady Lake, FL 32159
Phone: 352-753-8484
Directions: East of 441 behind Home Depot.
Friendly, welcoming and the many good and positive contributions to the community.
Contemporary, beautiful music and minister
…is a wonderful outreach to the community. Many opportunities for volunteer service. I am a charter member and recommend if you are looking for a church home, try North Lake!
Ron Sutliff says
Bellevue United Methodist Church in Belleview (Turn left at WaWa, across from elementary school) is a great choice with many opportunities to serve (e.g., Open Table Dinner every Wednesday open to the public)
Kristy says
Any Orthodox Christian Churches near the Villages?
United Church of Christ at The Villages says
Pastor Drew Willard
Phone: 352-748-9199
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 am-1 pm
Join us for worship on Sunday morning, 9:50 am
Located at 12514 County Road 101 (north of 466)
We are an open and affirming church – “Open to All and Celebrating God in Everyone”
DJ says
Oops forgot to leave a contact number. 561-351-2001
DJ says
I am seeking to rrelocate to the villages. Is their anyone who can direct me to some churches that have a single ministry and some outreaches. Thank you for your help.
have a good day.
Gloria Gardner says
We’ve visited North Lake Presbyterian, mentioned by you, but also Wildwood Presbyterian, not included in your list. It’s located just south of 466A in Wildwood. Unlike North Lake, it’s a small congregation and the minister lives in The Villages. We like both churches. This is their website: http://www.fpcwildwood.org/index.php
Rev. Bill Hartman says
We are Lady Lake Assembly of God Church located at 41819 CR 25, 1 mile north of The Blue Parrot Park. 352-753-7157. Services are Sunday: 8:00 a.m and 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Wed is Family Night at 7:00 p.m. with Bible study for Adults, boys and girls and youth activities. We have a very active Senior group that meets several times a month.
Our outreach ministry is to the needy and homeless children in Lake and Sumter county.
Mary says
Cant get to church any more since I can see well enough to drive my golf cart. Does anyone know of carpooling to St Timothy’s. I called the church but they couldn ‘t help me. I am a snowbird and will be going north in a few weeks but for next year, I would love to set something up. Does anybody in the Villages have any options foe me ? Cabs cost $20 each way, which I cant afford.
Mark Chatfield says
Less than 20 miles from The Villages is the Central Church of Christ near Silver Springs in Ocala. We go everywhere in The Villages in our golf cart, but for church we get to drive our automobile to this Christ-centered congregation. It has a wonderful website: http://www.ocalacentralchurch.com
Susie Smith says
Sure wish you had included Village of Faith Church and another possibility would be Village View. Thanks for all your hard work for us Wannabe’s
Jackie H says
You forgot the synogogue that is at the Villages as well