This week's video comes from an unexpected place but in the span of about two weeks it has racked up more than 100k views, so there's definitely something about it that's resonating with people.
Angela Masson runs a YouTube channel “focused on exploring fashion over 50” and she has a 24,000 subscribers at the time of this writing. She recently bought a winter home in The Villages and in this video she gives us a tour of it, as well as the surrounding areas:
Here's what else I'm watching and reading this week:
We know that some Villages residents have claimed fame in the fields of business, sports, entertainment and more, but now pets are getting in on the action:
- Villagers dog to compete at Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (The Villages Daily Sun)
Speaking of fame:
We've all seen costs go up since the pandemic…food, gas, housing, you name it. Local nonprofits are being particularly hard hit:
- Nonprofits reach out for help as costs rise (The Villages Daily Sun)
The new Brownwood Woodshop is feeling it too:
About “That Smell” (not the Lynyrd Skynyrd song):
- Waste smell in Hawkins (Talk of The Villages)
That's all for this week! Thanks for reading.
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