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I continue to track all the latest news and updates as it relates to coronavirus in The Villages.
You can read this week’s coronavirus updates here.
“Some Kind of Heaven” director Lance Oppenheim is back this week with a short, 7-minute “Op-Doc” about The Villages that you can watch right here:
From the description:
“The short documentary above explores the psychological impact of living in a palm-fringed bubble, as well as the effects of overdevelopment on those living outside the white picket fence.” – The New York Times
In the short documentary you'll hear from Richard Schwartz, who appeared briefly in Some Kind of Heaven.
For those that are new to learning about The Villages, here's an article I did years back on Richard's father, Harold Schwartz, one of the founders of The Villages.
Harold Schwartz: From Border Radio to The Villages
If you are into history, I think you'll really enjoy the second chapter of my book, all of which you can read here.
Also, the short doc above mentions the topic of sinkholes. You can learn more about The Villages' history with those here:
Sinkholes in The Villages: What You Need to Know
The more I hear about Sawgrass “don't call it the fourth town square” Grove, the more anxious I am to see it complete.
It really is looking like it will be the perfect blend of golf, recreation, dining, shopping, and entertainment.
The Villages released a new update about it just this week, and here it is in case you missed it:
While I personally like seeing The Villages continue to grow, not everyone shares the same enthusiasm.
There are residents who feel like they were misled when they purchased years ago. At that time The Villages was telling everyone that development would stop when they reached State Road 44.
Villagers don’t want to subsidize Developer’s building south of State Road 44 (Villages-News)
…and what fun would it be if we didn't hear from the other side:
Village of DeSoto resident tired of complaints from those north of State Road 44 (Villages-News)
If you haven't moved to The Villages, or Florida for that matter yet, you've really got to think about the type of community you want.
Do you want a community that you know will have X number of homes and no more?
Or do you want a community that no one really knows where the finish line will be? (The Villages is not the only community in this category by the way.)
I'm certainly not here to tell you which scenario is better. That's 100% up to you to decide, but it is a question worth pondering.
Did you know that it is currently illegal in the state of Florida to ride a bicycle without a seat?
I kid you not. The citation for riding a bicycle without a seat starts at $15, though the total can increase to as much as $56.50 because of additional fees.
But lawmakers representing The Villages are out to change this:
Lawmakers Representing The Villages Aim To Make Riding Seatless Bikes Legal In Florida (WMFE)
That's all for now. Have a great week!
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