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I continue to track all the latest news and updates as it relates to coronavirus in The Villages.
You can read this week’s coronavirus updates here.
The anticipation has been building for months.
What are we talking about? A new golf course? A new Rec Center?
Nope. A new Publix!
This week the Publix at Magnolia Plaza finally opened, providing much needed Pub Subs to residents south of State Road 44.
Villagers who live south of State Road 44 now have a Publix to call their own. The Publix Supermarket at Magnolia Plaza…
Posted by The Villages Daily Sun on Thursday, March 4, 2021
The Villages District Government has just released several videos online for those wanting to get more acquainted with how the CDD’s work.
In the videos, ranging in length from just 6 minutes to as long as 43 minutes, you’ll hear from heads of several District government departments including Community Watch, Recreation & Parks, Finance, Budget, & Purchasing, Public Safety, Executive Golf, and more.
Some of them are a little dry, but here's what I thought was one of the more entertaining ones:
You can check the rest of them out here.
The Villages Strawberry Festival, complete with a Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show, took place last Friday at Brownwood Paddock Square.
Here's video of the event:
On the heels of the success of this event, The Villages has added a Blueberry Festival to the calendar. That event will take place April 9 at Brownwood.
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That's all for this week!
Cruisin-Susan says
The video taken at the Strawberry Festival brings a tear to my eye. My husband and I now live in beautiful, dry and cool, mile-high Prescott AZ. It has an old western town square and we have lots of fun with many wonderful friends. But I miss my dear friends, especially the mermaids (Hi Joanna and Melinda) and mermen (Hi Sergio) who were with me at the Buttonwood adult pool as well as my HPPP- Harding Path Party People !!
God bless you all and keep on having more fun than any one person should be allowed to have!!!!
Donna Gulbinas says
Thank you for the newsletter. My husband and I are considering a move to Florida in the near future. We are a biracial couple. However, the Villages appear not to be very diverse.. we are looking for a diverse community which may be hard to find but maybe you can steer us to the appropriate town or community. We prefer the East Coast . Also I do not see many people wearing masks. Is this standard? Thank you if you can help with these concerns!
Best to you,
Donna from Boston, MA
Fred Donaldson says
Amazing – live just outside of Philly and Governor has us hiding in closets, salivating in fear. At least, we got rid of Health Secretary Rachel/Richard.