Quite frequently I receive some variation of this question:
I am moving to The Villages soon but I am not ready/able/willing to retire yet. What are my options as far as jobs are concerned and where should I even begin?
This question makes perfect sense. The retirement lifestyle of The Villages is what many have spent their entire working lives saving towards, but some find there's still a need to maintain a steady income.
For others, the freedom to do anything they want can be overwhelming. After years of hard work, some people prefer to maintain part-time jobs to keep themselves on a set schedule. Other residents have found that they aren't quite ready to fully commit to retirement, and they enjoy having some extra money in their pockets.
If you find yourself in one of the situations described above, here's where to start your search.
Careers in The Villages Website
The Careers in The Villages program was created to help residents as well as younger local people find jobs in and around The Villages. A recent check of the website lists more than 40 different jobs that are currently available.
Simply clicking on any listing will open up a more detailed description. The jobs here range from restaurant servers and cooks to high-end executive positions. The listings also include nursing positions, retail positions, insurance agent positions, and sales positions.
Villages Community Jobs
This section of the Careers in The Villages website provides a link to The Villages Daily Sun classified section. This site contains less overall positions, but does feature some very interesting and specialized part-time positions. This is where residents who need assistance place ads for part time helpers. There are usually listing for things like drivers, house cleaners, and dog walkers.
Don't forget to look for “Now Hiring” signs in the windows of the various restaurants and shops in The Villages, of if there's a place in particular you think you'd like to work, just pop in and ask if they're hiring. Many retailers are on the lookout for extra help around the holidays, and many restaurants and shops could use an extra hand or two around during snowbird season.
Community Development District Jobs
This area contains listings for positions that are provided by The Villages CDD's. These positions can include full- or part-time jobs working for the recreation departments, golf courses, or the neighborhood watch program.
The Villages Charter School
This section of the Careers in The Villages website features listings for positions within The Villages Charter School System. The school system is almost always in need of help in some area. If you have experience in the education field, this can be an excellent way to put that experience to use.
Think Outside The Bubble
Just because you live in The Villages doesn't necessarily mean you have to work there. There are plenty of local towns within easy driving distance with plenty of job opportunities available. Just go to one of the national jobs portals like Monster.com or CareerBuilder.com and search for jobs in Leesburg, Ocala, Mt. Dora and the like.
As you can see, there are almost endless options when it comes to finding employment in and around The Villages. If you are finding yourself bored with retirement or are simply looking for some extra spending money, this could be a great opportunity.
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