I'm always on the lookout for new YouTube channels about The Villages to share with you. This week I discovered The Villages 365 and this video from last month's St. Patrick's Day Parade at Spanish Springs:
Here's what else I'm reading and watching this week:
Easter Sunday Service in a golf cart? Sign me up!
- Churches take Easter outdoors (The Villages Daily Sun)
I would normally think it's cool to see Rolling Stone writing about The Villages, but I wish it wasn't for this:
I guess half is better than nothing:
- Developer agrees to pay half of costs to replace failed underdrain systems at villas (Villages-News)
Here's to hoping the meteorologists are as wrong as they usually are:
- Forecasters predict busy hurricane season (The Villages Daily Sun)
Tragedy strikes at Winn Dixie near Spanish Springs:
This week somebody turned the tables on The Villages Newcomers:
- The Villages Newcomers Tell All (YouTube)
Have a great week!
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