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I continue to track all the latest news and updates as it relates to coronavirus in The Villages.
You can read this week’s coronavirus updates here.
Rusty Nelson is back!
If you're just joining us, Rusty Nelson is documenting his journey from Pennsylvania where he lives now to The Villages…from his very first call to the sales office, to his Lifestyle Preview visit, and the next step in his journey will be spending a month in The Villages in March.
Here's his latest video:
You'll get some good updates on his journey, and also a really cool look at his studio/man-cave in Pennsylvania.
Just the other day I noticed that the new film shot in The Villages, “Some Kind of Heaven” was in the “New and Noteworthy” section of the iTunes store, which is a pretty big deal for a movie.
Judging by the comments that have come through on the site, a lot of people watched the film. Some of them seem to have liked it and see it for what it is, and others are staunchly against it.
If you've balked at seeing the film, I really think you should watch this review from Rusty (who has some experience in the film-making world), and this interview with the director, Lance Oppenheim, from The Villages Newcomers:
After watching Rusty's review and The Villages Newcomers interview, do you think you'll watch (or rewatch) the film?
Another place a lot of people considering The Villages also look at…and one place some Villagers who grow tired of The Villages for one reason or another move to after trying The Villages out for a few years…is called the Villages of Citrus Hills (located about 45 mins west of The Villages).
Another project I'm working on is called the Florida Retirement Show, in which I'm going around and touring/videoing all of the popular Florida retirement communities, and last month I went and checked out the Villages of Citrus Hills.
Check it out:
You can request more information about the Villages of Citrus Hills right here.
Also, there's a much longer (50 minutes) video available to members of Florida Retirement Insider.
That's all for this week. I'll see you next time!
– Ryan
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