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He's back! After a few months of storm chasing, Rusty Nelson just released his first video back in The Villages, and this one is all about the recent Labor Day golf cart parade:
While golf cart parades and other festivities have typically been confined to the town squares, it's great to see residents in some of the newer parts of The Villages start their own traditions.
Here's what else I'm reading this week:
It looks like there was a lot of golf cart fun on Labor Day, but one golf cart owner was not so lucky:
Villager’s golf cart snatched by thief from Rohan Recreation Center (Villages-News)
NFL football is back (GO BUCS!) and this season one Villages couple will be cheering particularly loudly:
Nephew of Villagers days away from debut In the NFL (The Villages Daily Sun)
Looks like one thing the pandemic could not do was stymie residents' desire to give back:
Local groups find way to keep helping (The Villages Daily Sun)
And of course, the pandemic has not stopped or slowed the pace of development:
The Villages wins approval for 2,000 homes on 387-acre site near prison (Villages-News)
Wanna get away? If you're looking for day trip ideas, Ocala is a good option. This article I recently shared on my other website has a few ideas for things to do and places to eat there:
48 Hours in Ocala (Florida for Boomers)
That's all for this week! Stay safe out there.
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