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This week I've got a great video to share from Pryde of The Villages, all about the Marsh View Pitch and Putt and also a look at future Pitch & Putt courses being developed in The Villages:
Here's what else I've been reading and watching this week:
We seem to be rounding third on the recent ambulance debate:
Fire departments to provide ambulance transport in Sumter (The Villages Daily Sun)
“Business is booming in Florida’s medical marijuana industry, and the numbers are continuing to climb…Obviously The Villages area is attractive to us because of the demand.”
Demand for marijuana ID cards grows (The Villages Daily Sun)
Here's another great construction video from Gold Wingnut:
The Villages Construction Update #98 – Where are Eastport and Middleton? (YouTube)
I'm not sure how anyone could ever go hungry in The Villages:
Gourmet hoagie restaurant announces plan for location in The Villages (Villages-News)
Rusty's got some good tips for what to do if you'll be leaving your home for an extended length of time:
The Villages Leaving your home for extended time … What to think about! (YouTube)
Not everyone agrees with the concept of retirement communities like The Villages. Different strokes for different folks I guess:
The Villages is a retirement ‘paradise’ — so why is that a problem? (MarketWatch)
That's all I've got for you this week. Have a good one!
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