The Villages is in the midst of an upgrade to it's resident ID Card program. Here are the details:
Why the need to upgrade Resident ID Cards?
The purpose of the program is to cut down on the fraudulent use of The Villages amenities and facilities by unauthorized users. According to Villages officials, the new cards have already significantly cut down on fraudulent use of pools and rec centers.
What's different about the new Resident ID Cards?
The new ID’s are reported to be “counterfeit proof”, with large, clear photos and holograms that cannot be forged or duplicated. With the new cards, residents get a fresh shot at a good photo, but will also get new resident ID #'s which some have complained about. Many feared this would cause an issue with the tee time system, but the new numbers will replace the old and be propagated throughout the system.
When does the program end?
New ID cards will be issued free of charge until March 15th. For anyone who has not yet gone to get their new card, the Customer Service Center accepts both appointments and walk-ins. To make an appointment, or if you have a new card already but have questions about it, please call the Customer Service Center at 352-753-4508.
Jack "FROSTY" Frost says
I reviewed most of the posted comments and Ashley’s on 9/16/12, was most perceptive in many ways. When immigrants came to America to initiate Europeans to the continent; the Native Americans were totally disregarded. It appears that all of us “Boomers” are doing much the same to original inhabitants of the Florida peninsula. Ashley, I appreciate all you have done in the generations before our arrival. Central Florida is such a magnificent geographical place to live. The developers have certainly added a whole wonderful lifestyle to enjoy, but it is to you and your relations that we truly owe a debt. Before there was The Villages, there was the intrinsic beauty that is Florida. Thank you for allowing us to share the peace and joy of such a remarkable environment.
Frank Stoll says
When I bought my house in March 2012, I was issued a Villagers I.D. card.
I moved in full time at the end of Oct.2012. I notice that sometimes you need a PIN
number when you use your I.D. Where do I get or how do I created a PIN number?
Thank you, Frank Soll
Shirley BOHREN says
Have so enjoyed watching Brownwood grow each month! Looking forward to moving there one day soon. Each time we visit fall in live with the Villages more & more! I call it Diseyland for adults! So much to do & see! Fun place to live & visit! Thanks for sharing. Shirley & Roger
Roger H. Oddson says
With the advent of the new cards will Villagers be required to slash their cards at the various amenities throughout the community? And what kind of program does the Villages use for this point-of-sale operation? Just curious!