I received a great question the other day from a reader who asked “Is there a monthly newcomers meeting or social so people can meet each other?”
There are several “orientation” type meetings that I would recommend all new residents of The Villages find time to attend.
Good Golf School
Despite the name, this is not about how to play better golf. While there are plenty of opportunities for that, this class is all about learning to use The Villages Tee Times Reservation System, and to answer any other questions you have about golf in The Villages. To register for the class call the Tee Times Office at 352-750-4558.
CDD Orientation
Even if you think it is something that will bore you to tears, you should attend attend the “Introduction to your Special Purpose Local Government” informational program. At this information session, you will learn how the districts operate and learn other important community information about the people, services, and other supporting entities that help make The Villages tick.
Sessions are held every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. at the District Office (3201 Wedgewood Lane), in the Conference Room at the east end of the building next to the Customer Service Center.
If after this meeting you are interested in learning more, there is a Resident Academy which runs for 6 weeks and covers topics like finance, budget, utilities, recreation, public safety, landscape and community standards, and more. More info. at: http://districtgov.org/school.aspx
POA General Membership Meeting
Held the third Tuesday of each month. All residents invited to attend. Meetings include a guest speaker, question and answer time, and a social time (coffee and donuts) after. More info. here: http://www.poa4us.org/MonthlyMtgs.html
The Villages Homeowner's Association Newcomer's Meeting
Held the second Tuesday of each month this meeting is focused on getting newcomers up-to-speed on the association. More info here: http://thevha.net/
The second part of the question pertained to meeting other people. If you take the time to attend the meetings I've outlined above, you should be on the path to making new friends pretty quickly, many of whom will be new residents just like you.
Other Groups, Organizations, and Activities
As you probably know, there are more than 1,500 organized groups and clubs in The Villages, so there's bound to be something you are interested in. The best way to get started is to download the Recreation News and Activities Schedule here.
In this download you will see a list of all activities scheduled at each rec center. You can either call the particular rec center to get phone number or email address for the particular group or organization, or in the back of the activities schedule there is a listing of many of the groups/clubs/organizations available and their information.
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