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I continue to track all the latest news and updates as it relates to coronavirus in The Villages.
You can read this week’s coronavirus updates here.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
The Villages Town Square Tree Lightings will take place in rapid succession:
- Classic Tree Lighting (Spanish Springs) – November 28
- Sugar Plum Tree Lighting Festival (Brownwood) – November 30
- Coastal Tree Lighting Festival (Lake Sumter Landing) – December 2
With Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales going on, lots of people are trying to put a dent in their Christmas lists.
So I'd like to remind you that Saturday, November 28, is what's known as “Small Business Saturday”, a holiday/concept created by American Express.
While there are plenty of BIG businesses both in The Villages and online that you can shop at, the small businesses are the ones that could really use your patronage this year.
Here's a list of small businesses in and around The Villages. (American Express)
My humble little newsletter/book enterprise is also a small business, so if you enjoy this newsletter and feel compelled to support my efforts, I'd love it if you bought a book this weekend. I even have a little Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale going on myself so you can save a couple dollars in the process.
While The Villages is overall considered a very safe place to live, every now and then we get a reminder that we can't let our guards down.
Recent case in point: Couple battles man with knife in road rage incident in The Villages (Villages-News)
No word if the victim(s) were Villagers, but just the fact this happened here is bad enough.
While most of the individual neighborhoods in The Villages have some form of gates that keep the riff-raff at bay, there are also several major roadways that run through The Villages, and of course the shopping plazas, town squares, and many other places of business are open to the public.
As I've shared before here and in my book, The Villages is not immune to crime, and this incident is just another reminder of that.
Two of my favorite Villages YouTubers, Skip Smith and Rusty Nelson, got together during Rusty's recent lifestyle visit.
I can only imagine the shenanigans these two got into together, but I didn't see either of their names in the Villages-News crime section, so they must have at least behaved somewhat:
Looking good fellas!
Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, and I’ll see you back here next week!
– Ryan
DoseOfKnowledge says
Just because you don’t personally know someone doesn’t mean they don’t exist. You are in a community of over 125,000 elderly people- 80,000 who are there permanently. I suggest you grow up, realize the disease is everywhere and do what you can to prevent it.
Gayle Ciraolo says
May I ask why you never mention wearing masks and keeping socially distanced? It saves lives!
Linnberg says
The positive tests last 2 weeks in The Villages cannot be accurate. Prior to that I knew hardly anyone who had tested positive.
Multiple tennis players, bowlers, softball
Players and I think pickle ball players have
Tested positive. It’s all over here now. The only good news is that of the at least 15 positives I know personally, only one has actual bad symptoms. The rest were super mild or asymptomatic. The bad news is that the asymptomatic ones were going around not knowing they were positive. We do live in a bubble here. It has now burst or at least a slow leak.