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I continue to track all the latest news and updates as it relates to coronavirus in The Villages.
You can read this week’s coronavirus updates here.
This week on my other website,, I circled back to an article I wrote earlier this year about the safest places to retire in Florida.
When I originally wrote the article it leveraged 2018 FBI Crime Statistics.
The 2019 data was finally released in October, so I went back and updated the article to reflect the new stats.
One thing stayed the same though…The Villages still had the lowest crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants of any Metropolitan Statistical Area in the state.
Safest Places to Retire in Florida (
It might be safe here, but residents still have to deal with a lot of the same kinds of nuisances other places have to deal with.
This time of year, most places see an uptick in the amount of panhandlers out and about, and The Villages is no different.
Official warns of panhandlers ‘working’ shopping plaza in The Villages (Villages-News)
A couple weeks ago I shared the official trailer for Some Kind of Heaven, the documentary film about The Villages being released in January 2021.
This week a review of the movie came across my radar and I thought it was worth a read and a share.
Film Review: Killing Time in God’s Waiting Room — A Moving Picture about Life in Florida’s “The Villages” (
Say it ain't so, Rusty!
I was watching Rusty Nelson's latest video (watch below) about his recent lifestyle visit to The Villages.
All of the action in the video takes place just prior to the start of his actual lifestyle visit, but you'll see what his accommodations were like at the Waterfront Inn, and you'll catch a glimpse of the nightlife at Lake Sumter Landing.
But, you'll also hear him mention that he is now recovering from Covid-19.
If you click through and read the comments on YouTube you'll see him mention that he's not sure where he picked it up (whether in The Villages or on the way back home), but it sounds like he has made a speedy recovery which is great to hear!
While in town, Rusty met up with another Villages YouTuber, Skip Smith. Here's Skip's golf cart ride up to Evans Prairie to meet Rusty, during which I think he shared a couple good insights on his short drive:
Have a great week, and I’ll see you back here next week!
– Ryan
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