Eating out can sometimes be a scary proposition. You don't know what you don't know.
If I like a restaurant and have never personally had a problem there, I don't worry too much about their inspection history.
I'd rather not know.
But my wife, well, that's another story.
If you're like her, you want to know exactly what you're getting in to no matter where you eat, and I'm going to share with you where to do that below.
But first, the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation has a good “disclaimer” on their website that I think is good to keep in mind which states:
Each inspection report is a “snapshot” of conditions present at the time of the inspection. On any given day, an establishment may have fewer or more violations than noted in their most recent inspection. Inspections conducted on any given day may not be representative of the overall, long-term conditions at the establishment. Because conditions can change rapidly, establishments are not graded or rated.
Where to Find The Villages Restaurant Inspection Reports
Here's where you can find that information about restaurants in The Villages:
(NOTE: You'll see there are a couple links for each county, depending on how the inspector referred to “The Villages” when typing up his/her report.)
Sumter County:
The Village
The Villages
Villages (the)
Lake County:
The Villages
Marion County:
The Village
The Villages
K Howe says
I’m not surprised by the review for Havana Country Club. It’s a shame that they can’t get a nice restaurant to go in and stay. It’s a beautiful building to not have something special there.
Leeotampa says
From an exterminator: Palmetto bugs are American Cockroaches, but with a more appealing name. These suckers are big, they can fly, and they aren’t scared of anything or anyone. Palmetto bugs are creepy, but getting rid of palmetto bugs can be a cinch.
Barb Huff says
A group of six of us ate at the Crazy Gator in Eustis last November. All six of us got food poisoning. The health department said that a total of 17 people became ill, and two of those were hospitalized. Thank you for bringing up the subject of restaurant cleanliness. Food poisoning can be a horrible experience.
Adina Medley says
My husband and I were having breakfast one Sunday morning after church at Glenview Country Club when I noticed a large cockroach crawling along the wall and told my husband to get our servers attention. We called her over and observed along with her the roach going behind a serving station where utensils are stored. Her comment was oh that is just a palmetto bug you have to get use to that in Florida. My husband asked for the manager and when she arrived she repeated almost the same thing that palmetto bugs are to be expected in Florida and are not a big worry.
#1 it was an american cockroach with wings which is not a palmetto bug which is smaller and has no wings and they live in palmetto palms and emit a stench which is why they are referred to as “stinking Palmetto bugs” when palmetto palms are being cut down. I lived in south Florida for years before moving and I know the difference I have not seen palmetto bugs that want to live in our homes. For those of you who want to see the difference they can easily be looked up on google or The World Book.
I wrote a letter via Email to the management of Glenview and never received any response I suppose they don’t care. I refuse to eat there again as do some of our friends after we related the story to them.
Janeen Forys says
Unbiased, good reporting should always tell both sides of a story. Assuming, of course, that the writer is not harboring a personal grudge or hidden agenda. Too often today, we find our media trying to influence and steer people into believing what THEY want you to believe by not stating ALL the facts…deliberate sins of omission intending to confound. Although I appreciate your efforts in providing an alternative perspective and “scoop” about The Villages, kindly do not insult the intelligence of your readership. Write a balanced story, with ALL the facts, and let us form our own opinions, particularly when it is a seedy expose’ like this. Thank you.
Sue says
Than you Ryan for posting this information. Hopefully, it will encourage restaurants to clean up. I can’t believe some people will just accept this as standard restaurant practice…and some even criticizing you for “picking on” these restaurants. I personally have no wish to drink or eat anything that comes out of a green or black mold ridden container. A once a week cleaning with a little bleach would cure that issue. So why not boycott these places who have been given numerous warnings until the situation is resolved? I noticed that Havana Country Club is running more specials lately. Instead of spending money advertising, perhaps they should pay someone to clean.
Shirley Bohren says
Where is Terri DelSol ??? Thanks Ryan. Your best !
Janet says
If you want to see a clean kitchen and well prepares food eat at Terri Del Sol, The owner will ask you to come view his kitchen. Do you think any other business would ask you to view their kitchen here in the Villages? Anyone of you can call the State Inspector and he will tell you, the only place he eats at is Terri Del Sol…….WHY? You answered the question. Thanks.
Linda Wheeling says
People: unsanitary conditions in eating establishments is not a new problem! It is a ubiquitous scenario that goes on all over the world. You know that is true, and generally you have no problems when you eat in a restaurant. The Health Inspectors close those establishments that are grossly unsanitary. But, a little mold or food debris or a dead roach obviously doesn’t warrant a huge Health risk… Because you are in denial if you don’t think it goes on to some degree in most restaurants AND most homes. Of course, grossly negligent restaurants get busted and deserve the penalties. But unless you have a weak immune system, you’ve done fine eating in restaurants for several decades, right? Please be a little less irrational about stuff that is likely happening in your own home… to some degree. Odds are that you’ll be fine!
Lily says
Wow!!!! How selfish people seemed to be. He is saying to be aware where you eat. I am so thankful for this article because I am very picky where I go to eat. It’s happening all over its disgusting. I much rather take some snacks with me and wait till I get home to eat. My young son works in a Restaurant he tells me so many stories about how unhealthy it is to eat in some of these restaurants. I have since been very leery about eating out. I mean I can go to the Market get my meat , have a salad or veggies and I have a fresh delicious meal. In a very sanitary place MY HOME.
So yes what Ryan is saying is true I have seen it with my own eyes at Golden Coral.
Thank you Ryan from a Villager and a fussy female like your wife , I really appreciates your honesty.
C Gala says
Thanks for all the info : Good and bad on food establishments. No place is perfect. Folks, don’t stick your head in the sand… These reviews are essential.
OMG…. A feces dump in a closet! What if it contained a contagious virus, bacteria or parasites? Butts and food left in a house? What’s behind the walls and under the floors?
Larry Fish says
John Schatvet–I am glad I am not your Insurance Agent, hope have plenty of Liability Insurance, posting a very generalized libelous statement about some “Golden Corral” at some who knows where or where accusation, when you know very well that you can never tell where you got what you call “food poisoning” since it could have been as long as ten days after you ate, maybe in your own dirty home! I am also ashamed that this Website would repeat such nonesense!
Richard Senator says
I have made 3 visits to the Villages in the past 3 years. I did a five day stay at one of the designated homes in Lake Sumter. The assigned realtor was not a god fit. His personality was pushy and prejudiced at times. I saw new homes that he was pushing and when I requested to see older resales he wasn’t at all enthusiastic. When I listened to your presentation your info was direct and has me interested. My brother lives in Pennecamp and has also given me more insight. He bought a newly constructed villa. I am semi retired and live in NY state, so I’m not looking to break the bank while making a big move. Thank you for your information.
Caren Winters says
Well, the Polo Club is NOT a restaurant….check the title of your article. If you are going to pick on RESTAURANTS….at least pick out restaurants. The Chinese Restaurant in Southern Trace was recently closed down by the health department. The Polo club, on the other hand, is only open during polo season. That’s only 40 days a year. It is sometimes rented out for parties, by clubs in The Villages. They take over the kitchen, cook their own food, maybe leave a mess. This is out of the control of the owner who happens to be the developer of The Villages. Did you pick on the Polo Club because you wanted to take a swipe at the developer?
Janeen Forys says
Just curious? I have heard recently that there are almost 100 places to eat in The Villages! Since I am not yet a resident, but soon will be, I will assume this statement is no mere exaggeration. Therefore, this reporting of negative restaurant inspections is only about three (3), which is a very small percentage of The Villages’ eateries. May I also assume then that you thoroughly researched your article, and that you would have checked into ALL the remaining 97 or so restaurant reports (especially, since you would not wish to “target” and expose only a certain few)? That would leave me with a much more favorable “taste in my mouth” that all the remaining restaurants, therefore, had clean health inspections! I guess, I prefer looking at my glass as half-full. What say you?
Ryan Erisman says
Janeen, if I posted every inspection report for every restaurant, the page would go on for miles. That’s why I posted a small sample and posted LINKS where YOU can go do your own research.
Caren Winters says
Why did you post a negative review of the Polo Club kitchen. That is NOT a restaurant and is NOT open for business. The coffee station ??? They don’t even sell coffee. You are MEAN to choose to post this. You should have just posted RESTAURANTS !!!!!!!!!
Ryan Erisman says
So, Polo Club should just get a “pass” Caren? Then why does the health inspector inspect it anyway?
John Daddona says
On entering AY Jallisco restaurant five large roaches came running out the door…we figured if the roaches won’t eat the food why should we? We don’t go there.
Charlie Manganiello says
Sometimes maybe it’s not a good thing to watch the construction of your home being built as we are. Call me a half empty glass person but I’m not so impressed with the quality of the construction as everyone I talk to is. They just rave and rave and rave about the workmanship. I will admit that they do go fast and the structure is up in no time but I do have several issues that I’m not happy with. I realize that the home is still the property of the Villages until I hand the check over but as the future owner I’m not too pleased with a few of the steps in the process.
1. Jobsite cleanliness for me is a problem. Workers leaving trash in the house, cigarette butts, and soda cans thrown around inside the house and stubbed out on the floor is disgusting. Especially after the drywall is installed, floor tiles are in and the interior is being built or enclosed is inexcusable.
2. Leaving windows and doors open when the interior is being painted and leaving them open after they leave for the day is foreign to me especially with all the rain this July and August. We have had water beside interior walls, a bird trapped in the house in the house and it’s associated feces in several rooms. Another time we had a major feces dump in the MBR closet to the point that the whole house stunk until I called the builder and had him send someone in to clean it up. Maybe it’s just me but I don’t understand the mindset here. I’ve yet to determine whether is was human or animal but needless to say it was disgusting. Why did I have to call someone to take care of it. Were they going to just work around it ? Bizarre !!!
3.The materials involved in building the house were nothing special nor was the insulation used along the inside walls. Thin plywood roofing material and nothing special 2X4’s for the interior framework where applicable. Most of the framing was aluminum or thin steel substitutes. I’m no builder but for the money we paid I guess I expected more. especially in the roof structure. I guess that’s why there is such a big aftermarket down here.
4. The houses are beautiful when completed but again coming from up north, in my opinion, there is no comparison about which houses will stand the test of time. Being a senior citizen I guess I’m not going to worry about it. I’m not going to be around another 50 years.
5. I could go on with more items but I won’t. I’ll wait until the walk through to expose the rest of my list.
On the positive side you can’t beat the lifestyle which is the real reason we came down here.
It’s going to be one hell of a walk through on closing day and a very active warranty period, I’m sure. This is where I will expect the Villages and their builder to honor their word and commitments about getting things fixed in a timely manner. An ounce of prevention during construction is worth a pound of cures or so they say. We’ll see what happens.
John Schatvet says
I got food poisoning a while back at Golden Corral Of The Villages and wont ever darken their doors again.