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I continue to track all the latest news and updates as it relates to coronavirus in The Villages.
You can read this week’s coronavirus updates here.
It's always a challenge to figure out what great video I'm going to share in this space from week to week, but this week the title of this video from Gold Wingnut (a.k.a Don Wiley), “The Devil's Henchmen”, really caught my eye.
What in the world is he referring to? Watch the video and find out:
Here's what else I'm reading and watching this week:
You've no doubt heard about the Colonial gas pipeline ransomware attack, as well as similar attacks that have impacted meat processors, and other businesses in recent weeks.
Well, it sounds like the problem is now hitting a little closer to home:
The Villages hospital crippled by ransomware attack (Villages-News)
At the risk of giving you Gold Wingnut (Don Wiley) overload, this interview he did with Jerry and Linda was pretty good:
Is The Villages Out of Control? Too Big? Running out of Water? (The Villages Newcomers)
I guess we're on a YouTube kick this week. Here's one more worth checking out from Rusty Nelson:
The Villages, Bonds, Taxes, Maintenance Fees and the CDD. What are they and why do we pay them? (The Villages with Rusty Nelson)
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That’s all for this week!
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