I'm not sure if this video captures everything The Villages is about in 3 minutes, but it makes a pretty good effort:
Here's what else I'm reading and watching this week:
What better time than just before St. Patrick's Day to get an update on the progress of McGrady's Pub and what you can expect to find and experience once it opens:
Inside McGrady's Pub (YouTube)
Speaking of St. Patrick's Day, not one but two St. Patrick’s Day Festivals will take place this year. The first one was held at Lake Sumter Landing on Friday, March 11, and the second one will take place on Thursday, March 17 (which is actually St. Patrick’s Day) at Spanish Springs from 3pm to 9pm.
You can learn more about that event here.
Polo season got underway this week. You can check out this season's schedule here.
Come November, the way emergency services are handled in The Villages could be forever changed:
Independent fire district bill passes (The Villages Daily Sun)
Last week I got a call from Jerry and Linda a.k.a The Villages Newcomers. They wanted to know if I could tell them where most Villagers came from.
I told them I know that these days, a surprisingly high percentage of new residents actually come from other places within Florida, but that wasn't always the case.
Anyway, they dug into it, and here's what they learned:
Where Do All The Villagers Come From? (YouTube)
That's all for this week!
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