Villages Honor Flight serves veterans of Citrus, Lake, Marion, Sumter, and Hernando counties, and regularly takes them to visit Arlington National Cemetery and many of the war and service memorials in Washington, D.C. Their first trip of 2019 is scheduled for April 17, which you can read about in this article. – Daily Commercial
I'm really loving these articles that Villages-News has been publishing lately about the history of The Villages. This week they've got an article about Jeb Bush's connections to The Villages Charter Middle School. – Villages-News
In October we mentioned that The Villages was raising the amenity fees that apply to new homes from $145/month to $159/month. In general, other residents amenity fees begin at whatever the fee was when they purchased and increase according to changes in the CPI, but they are currently capped at $155/month.
But this week, the Project Wide Advisory Committee (PWAC) which provides input, explores issues and provides advice and recommendations to the SLCDD on issues related to the maintenance of Project Wide Improvements, met to discuss the future of the amenity fee deferral rate, and some people may be shocked at what they determined. – Villages-News
I was sitting with my dad last night who is recovering from a triple bypass, and we were watching the Barrett-Jackson Car Auction from Palm Beach on TV. It got me thinking about all of the classic car shows that take place in The Villages. Then I came across this article titled Appreciating the Classics over on The Villages' website. It's worth a read. – The Villages