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I continue to track all the latest news and updates as it relates to coronavirus in The Villages.
You can read this week’s coronavirus updates here.
This week The Villages released a video update on the progress of Sawgrass Grove, including the Ezell Recreation Center, McGrady’s Restaurant and Pub, and more. Plus, you'll also get a look at how the Southern Oaks Championship Golf Course is coming along.
Here's what else I'm reading this week:
I'm not much of a bowler, but this is a REALLY cool look back at an outdoor bowling tournament that took place in The Villages:
Stars Recall Bowling Outdoors 20 Years Ago In The Villages (FLOBOWLING)
Sparing The Villages, Florida’s Legislature shifts growth burden to taxpayers (Orlando Sentinel)
Villages restaurant owners offer mixed feelings on alcohol-to-go measure (Villages-News)
81-year-old man seriously injured as golf cart hits concrete wall in The Villages (Channel 6 News)
The Villages Wins Federal Suit Against Breakaway Real Estate Agents (WMFE)
Cinco de Mayo – May 5th from 5pm-9pm – Spanish Springs (The Villages Entertainment)
I just got word that my viewing window for watching the new documentary about The Villages titled “The Bubble” is now open, so that's what I'll be doing this weekend. I hope to have a full review for you in the next few days.
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That’s all for this week!
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