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Roughly eight months, 33 videos, and more than 395,783 YouTube views since he posted about his very first call to The Villages sales office, Rusty Nelson bought a house in The Villages:
Here's what else I'm reading this week:
The Villages Regional Hospital is still feeling the effects of the cybersecurity attack I mentioned a few weeks ago:
UF Health employees: Cyber attack now impacting patient care (WESH)
Servers still down at UF Health Central Florida after ‘cybersecurity event' (Daily Commercial)
Camp Villages is back after a hiatus in 2020:
After year apart, Camp Villages reunites grandparents, grandchildren for fun (News13)
Acre by acre, The Villages continues to acquire more land:
Leesburg approves sale of 18 more acres to The Villages for development expansion (Daily Commercial)
I've mentioned in several prior issues the topic of impact fees, and the new legislation that shifts the burden from developers to taxpayers to pay for future growth. Looks like the State Representative who helped it happen just got a raise:
Updated form shows Rep. Hage drawing $350,000 paycheck from The Villages (Villages-News)
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That’s all for this week!
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