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Right now we are one month into hurricane season, and so I thought this video Jerry and Linda (The Villages Newcomers) did with Sumter County Emergency Management Director David Casto was timely and worth a watch:
The video mentions Hurricane Irma a couple times. Here's a video from The Villages Daily Sun with some good before/after video.
While we're on the subject of Hurricane Irma, I actually rode that storm out in an oceanfront condo I lived in at the time. You can read about my experiences here.
Here's what else I'm reading this week:
I just updated my list of things to do on 4th of July in The Villages. If you're in town or just curious take a look:
4th of July Events Around The Villages
Speaking of the 4th, here's what some sports groups are doing to mark the holiday:
Sports groups put patriotism on display (The Villages Daily Sun)
It sounds like things are finally getting back to normal at The Villages hospital:
UF Health restores records system a month after ‘cybersecurity event' (News 13)
Back to the weather, lightning is wreaking havoc lately:
Mid-day lightning strike ignites blaze at home in The Villages (Villages-News)
Resident reports lightning damage in Village of Gilchrist (Villages-News)
I know next to nothing about home lightning protection or lightning rods, but this thread I stumbled on this week seems to offer some decent info. for those who might be curious:
Lightening (sic) protection systems (Talk of The Villages)
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That’s all for this week!
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